Wednesday, April 22, 2009

T+6.1 Slideshow

T+6 YouTube

Introducing SLIC, the Super Lightweight Interchangeable Carrier on STS-125 SM4 to carry WFC3 to HST. SLIC is made of carbon fiber with a cyanate ester resin and a titanium metal matrix composite; it's the first all‐composite carrier to fly on the shuttle. This technology is being transferred to the Constellation program.

T+5 Photo

Imaged 5 Mar 2002: James H. Newman, STS-109 mission specialist, servicing HST in Columbia's cargo bay.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

T+4 Document

Design Reference Architecture 5.0 (pdf)

One way to go.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

T+3 Data

Let's see what Ares I is estimated to cost, converting this CBO image to text yields:

1.0 (2007) + 1.0 (2008) + 1.0 (2009) + 1.3 (2010) +
2.0 (2011) + 1.7 (2012) + 1.4 (2013) + 1.0 (2014) = $10.4 B

This number does not include earlier costs, reserves, Cross Agency Support and Program Integration etc etc.